Most people measure their success by externals: their job, income, number of cars, size of their home, etc. There is nothing wrong with this. In fact, in this country, it is encouraged.
But, if you're at this website, chances are those externals are not enough. There's something missing from your life that you can't quite put your finger on.
Quantum Spirit International was built by people who were missing something from their lives. Educators, therapists, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs came together to find a way to bring their Spiritual Nature, or Authentic Power, into every area of their lives (family, work, health, finances, relationships, etc.). If this is what you're looking for, read on to find out what we discovered about 'success.'
Success as a Connection to Spirit / Source / God
Your behavior measures the success of your ability to stay connected to your Spiritual Nature. When you're angry, you may automatically respond with yelling or shouting, seething in silence or using the situation to heal an old wound. It is your automatic reaction in any situation that indicates how connected you feel to Spirit / Source / God. None of these behaviors are wrong; they're just different stages of your spiritual development.
In addition to your external behavior, the "interpretation" or story you tell your self about the behavior also indicates how connected to Spirit / Source / God you feel. For example, if you have a fight with a family member or colleague, you may tell yourself "I'm not good enough" or "he/she was wrong" or "this is an opportunity to heal an old wound." Each of these thoughts is a different way of evaluating your ability to stay in alignment with your Spiritual Nature.
So, when you behave in ways that do not reflect your spiritual Self, you feel less connected to Spirit / Source / God. This is where self-coaching skills can help. Self-coaching is a set of skills and abilities that help you learn how to change those automatic reactions that are not aligned with your True Self.
Take a moment now, to reflect on this latest holiday weekend. Were you able to deal with family from a place of acceptance and un-conditional love? Did family or friends upset you? Did you dread getting together with your extended family?
Your behavior, and the stories you use to evaluate how you and others behaved, can be used as the starting point in learning how to coach your Self to deepen and maintain your connection to Spirit / Source / God in every situation. That's why our programs are designed to help you learn self-coaching skills while dealing with whatever is showing up in your life!
Learn how to Coach Your Self now!