Monday, September 15, 2008

Gift or Curse?

Loving Greetings,

I'll admit it. When my coach first told me I was an empath, I wasn't happy.

Sure, it explained a lot. Why I felt physically uncomfortable when I was around others. Why I experienced sudden, unexplained emotional highs and lows. Why I felt overwhelmed almost all of the time. Why I preferred being alone most of the time.

But, putting a label on it wasn't helping me feel better. It made me feel more helpless; as if, this 'empath' thing was just one more thing I had no control over. And, while my coach tried to help me, she didn't have many solutions that worked for me.

After several weeks of feeling 'cursed' with this empath condition, it finally occurred to me that maybe I was making myself more miserable with all the stories I was telling myself about 'empaths.' (Most of my stories were based on an old Star Trek episode in which an alien empath was at the mercy of everyone else's feelings -- and I definitely felt like a victim at the mercy of the rest of the world).

Perhaps it was time to explore this 'condition' to find ways to help myself.

That was 10 years ago. There wasn't much on the internet at the time, but it was the start of a miraculous journey of self-healing and empowerment. No longer do I view my empath abilities as a 'curse.' Instead, I embrace the gifts that come with my sensitivities to become a better person, parent, minister, spiritual life coach, and human being.

As I became more empowered as an empath, people began showing up: some as teachers, many as clients. I began sharing with them what I had learned about myself and that sharing not only helped my clients, but also accelerated my own journey to empowerment because I learned as much from my clients as they did from me.

With this blog, I continue my journey. I don't have all the answers for you, but I can share what I've learned. Keep in mind that every empath is different, so not everything will apply to you.

So, let's begin....
I have learned that empaths need out-of-the box solutions to everyday situations in order to live a life of peace and harmony. These solutions include:

  • learning how to read your body's sensitivities as guidance and wisdom to increase your options in any situation, reduce overwhelm, enhance your creativity and improve your problem-solving abilities;
  • raising your emotional intelligence to reduce your sensitivities, increase your ability for self-healing and helping others without losing yourself in the process;
  • tapping into your Spiritual Nature to access the gifts of your sensitivities whenever you like.

Over the next few weeks, I'll discuss these solutions in more detail. I invite you to try them out for yourself. Do what feels good and leave the rest.

Peace and Blessings,

Want to know more before the next posting?

If you're overwhelmed, check out my ebook, Survival Guide for Empaths, Clairsentients and Highly Sensitive Persons

For more information, check out my website: The Care & Feeding of Empaths and HSPs.

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