Monday, September 22, 2008

What Every Empath Needs

Loving Greetings,

The bottom line: every empath needs other Conscious, Empowered empaths in their lives.

Chances are you already know one or two. You just don't know they, too, are empaths because a conscious, empowered empath doesn't seem affected by everything going on around them. (Nice idea, isn't it?)

Once I became used to the idea of being an empath (I was in my forties, remember), I set an Intention to find out what exactly that means for me. This is where the conscious, empowered empaths in my life came in handy. They could point out what was happening on a physical plane vs what I was picking up energetically.

This was a very good thing to know.

This was also how I found out I wasn't stupid. Think about it. All those years in school, I always seemed to be missing a crucial piece of information or a step in a math or scientific process. So, my tests and papers scored poorly because I didn't seem to have the whole picture.

Well, how could I? While I was trying to learn an algebraic process, I was also taking in the whole energetic picture of my classmates and teacher. I was unconsciously absorbing so much energetic information from everyone around me, that I couldn't understand anything.

As an adult, I continued to absorb energetic information without understanding what was going on. I was always overwhelmed from information overload. I was also upsetting people because I was saying or doing the 'wrong' thing while reacting to the energies around me.

This unconscious absorbing really got in the way of everything important in my life: relationships, work, health, finances, etc. Once I realized I needed help, I went searching for it and it showed up in the darndest places...

For example, I was visiting friends, when I suddenly felt like someone just hit me in the stomach. I got dizzy and then felt like I was falling into a deep, black hole.

Before I fell off my chair, the woman sitting next to me, touched my hand and whisped in my ear, "that's not you." She pointed to another friend who was talking about his run-in with a co-worker that day. "He's sending out that energy," she said.

I was still having trouble breathing so I made my excuses and went home. But I still felt that awful energy. I was still feeling it several days later when I met with my coach. I ranted for a while about the unfairness of it all. I was beginning to hate this friend. I was even considering dropping him from my life. Why should I have to suffer this much? Why did anyone think this was a gift? Why wasn't there some way to protect myself?

But, I had learned one thing: I needed help. I began talking to a couple of trusted friends and family members about my sensitivities. They were eager to help. For a while, I took someone with me when I went out. They told me what was going on from their perspective. I shared what I was picking up energetically.

It didn't take long for me to realize just how much was going on from the non-sensitive perspective. The energetic information was getting in the way. No wonder my reactions were often inappropriate.

Obviously, I was going to have to find a way to process this energetic information so it didn't get in the way of understanding what others were experiencing. This is where the conscious, empowered empaths helped me. They were already doing it.

Next week, I'll share some of their, and now my, ways of processing this information.

Peace and Blessings,


Want to know more? Check out my ebook, Survival Guide for Empaths, Clairsentients, and Highly Sensitive Persons.

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