Sunday, January 10, 2010

Self-Coaching Tip: Begin Where You Are

To celebrate the New Year, I’m using my self-coaching skills to transcend the historical practice of reflecting upon the past year and choosing goals for the New Year. Instead, I begin where I am.

Think of it like the directory in a shopping mall. There’s usually a map of all the stores with a big red dot that reads, ‘you are here.’ In order to get to the shop you want, you need to know where you are in relation to it.

I need to know which beliefs are holding me back and which beliefs are helping me move forward. need the guidance that my emotions hold for me. And finally, I need to communicate with my body to make permanent, lasting changes that are easy and effortless

Once I’m clear about where I am, really connected to myself on all three levels (physically, emotionally, mentally), something wondrous happens: co-creation.

Co-creating takes me to a new place of connection. Instead of focusing on what I’ve accomplished (a left brain activity) or floating contentedly in a meditative state (a right brain activity), I reach a balance between both sides of my brain. In this state, I see new possibilities to solving any problems I have; experience deeper connections in my relationships; and receive guidance for continued self-growth and spiritual evolution.

So, I invite you to begin this New Year by focusing on where you are, right now. When you truly know where you are at, you’ll see/hear/know where you’re going this year.

To experience how this might work, enroll for my free eCourse, "Self-Coaching Techniques," and learn one way to quiet your Inner Critic.

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